At Oasis Academy Foundry we understand the importance of continuous and reinforced learning, that is why as your child progresses through school with us we will set homework tasks for them to complete and bring back for marking.
Your child's learning is a shared venture between us, them and you as parents and carers. Through reinforcing what has been learned during the day at the academy during home learning time with you your child will be able to consolidate their understanding quicker and will be more likely to retain and remember their knowledge. We want your child to reach their potential, therefore we ask that parents and carers are supportive of home learning and encouraging of completing homework on time.
Currently, we have moved homework to ClassDojo. Instructions for using ClassDojo can be found on the inside cover of your child's homework book.
In order to avoid further contamination, homework books will remain home. Pupils can use a to device access their homework on ClassDojo and - depending on the task - can complete it digitally or in their homework books. If completed in homework books, the expectation is that pupils take a photo of their completed work and share it with their teachers.
Your child would have been shown how to access ClassDojo and how to complete the activities set. If you would like some support in using ClassDojo, please visit the Class Dojo Helpdesk or alternatively, you can bring your device and speak to your child's teacher or Mr. Sadiku.
Pupils will be set English, Maths, Spellings and a Weekly Reading homework. Connected parents will receive notifications when their child submits work, can view the homework submitted and comment on their posts. Teachers will leave feedback for pupils and parents in the form of comments.
Homework is set on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. If your child struggles to complete the work or is not sure how to submit the work, please speak to the class teacher the following Monday.