
Enrichment activities outside the Nursery and visitors to the Nursery are important because they give the children real life, first-hand experience of the wider world. We have a carefully planned programme of visits that support our curriculum. They are fantastic opportunities which enhance learning and imagination. We will always inform you in advance of any special or planned activities, and may on occasion ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost.
Outings and Visitors
We endeavour to provide our children with experiences to enhance their learning and knowledge of the world from the earliest age. As well as arranged and trusted visitors, we take the children out into the local environment, for example, we may visit shops or go for a walk in the local area.
Whilst at Oasis Academy Foundry, children are encouraged to develop a love of reading. This begins in Nursery where books play a central role. Children are encouraged to practise those early reading skills both in the academy and at home.
My child has developed well since the autumn term. I am happy with his progress, and I will continue to build his confidence
Parent Comment
Key Workers and Groups in EYFS
When your child comes to our Nursery, they will be allocated to a group and given a key worker. Your child's key worker will be the person who works with you to make sure that what we provide is right for your child's particular needs and interests. When your child first starts at our setting, their key worker will help them to settle and facilitate their learning.