Health and wellbeing at school
At Oasis Academy Foundry, we will always act in the best interest of a child’s well-being and health.
If your child has been away due to illness, please ensure they are fully recovered before they return to school to prevent the risk of spreading infection.
If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea they should be kept at home for at least 48 hours after the symptoms have cleared.
If your child is asthmatic and requires an inhaler, please bring this in to the office in its original box. You will be asked to complete a medical consent form. The inhaler can be kept in the classroom for access and should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.
If your child has any other, medical conditions please inform the school
Immediately as a care plan may be required.
Please inform school if your child has any allergies or dietary requirements.
It is expected that all children are fully toilet trained when they start school, unless there is a medical or developmental reason, although accidents can happen. Should your child be provided with spare clothes from school, please wash and return them as soon as possible. Children are encouraged to self-manage.