
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Lunches

Healthy Meals and Snacks

The academy operates a healthy eating policy.

At lunchtime we encourage students to have an academy meal. These meals are cooked on site by our wonderful catering team, are nutritionally balanced and always offer a choice. Menus are available in the main office.

Alternatively student may bring a packed lunch. Please note that students are not allowed to bring sweets into the academy at any time in line with the healthy eating policy. Students should bring plain water to drink during the day in labelled bottles. These should be taken home and refilled each day.

Eating in school should be a pleasurable experience: time spent sharing good food with peers and teachers. The school food standards are intended to help children develop healthy eating habits and ensure that they get the energy and nutrition they need across the whole school day. It is just as important to cook food that looks good and tastes delicious; to talk to children about what is on offer and recommend dishes; to reduce queuing; and to serve the food in a pleasant environment where they can eat with their friends.  As a general principle, it is important to provide a wide range of foods across the week. Variety is key – whether it is different fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses or types of meat and fish. Children love to hear the stories behind their food.  

Please note we are a NUT FREE school due to multiple nut allergies. Please do not send your child with any foods containing nuts.