
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Academy Day

Breakfast Club

Every child can have a free breakfast with us, every weekday morning! Before the academy day begins, we are delighted to say that we run a Breakfast Club in partnership with Magic Breakfast. Children are invited to attend Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 8.45am. 


Nursery times are from 08.45 until 11.45am,  Nursery and Reception children have continuous access to outdoor play and provision.

Phase 1

School day
08.30 Staff briefing
08.40 Staff are in the playground to receive the children
08.45 Official start to the school day
10.45 Break
11.00 Lessons
11.45 Reception lunchtime
12.10 Lunchtime
13.10 Afternoon lessons
15.05 End of school day

Attendance and Access to the Academy Site

It’s essential that your child arrives promptly at the academy because the day starts off with the teacher explaining the day’s learning to the class. Registration in the morning takes place at 8:45 am for everybody. Afternoon registration takes place at 1.10pm, Nursery registration takes place at 12.30pm. Any child arriving more than 5 minutes after these times will be recorded as arriving late. If, for any reason, your child is late, please escort them to the academy reception office and inform the office staff of their arrival and the reason for their lateness. It is better to come late than not to come at all. Any child arriving after 9:15 am or 30 minutes later than the start of their afternoon registration time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence unless an acceptable reason is given.

We ask all visitors to report to Academy Office.