
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Performance Tables

We are proud to say that our progress scores are amongst the highest in the country. At Foundry, no child gets left behind - every pupil is deserving of exceptional education and we do our best to ensure they leave us prepared for the next stages in their lives. 

Our Progress scores in Reading, Writing and Maths are +2.4, + 3.5 and +4.2 respectively.
  Academy Local Authority Average England Average
Pupils meeting expected standard in RWM 43% 62% 65%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard in RWM 7% 9% 11%
Average score in Reading 99 104 104
Average score in Maths 102 105 105
Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils England State Funded Schools (non-dis)
Progress in Reading +3.2 +0.3
Progress in Writing +3.1 +0.3
Progress in Maths +4.4 +0.4
Percentage of pupils achieving a 'high' standard  11% 71%
Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard 53% 67%
Reading score 101 105
Maths score 103 106


To find out more about our performance, you can visit our stats on the DfE Performance Tables Website