
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We are proud to be an Outstanding school 

Our Ofsted inspection was in June and July 2023 and we are delighted to share that we have been found to be an Ofsted Outstanding academy. During the inspection we discussed the impact of the pandemic on our community, met with leaders from across Oasis and had 'deep dives' in early reading, mathematics English, geography and Science. Inspectors discussed the curriculum with our subject leaders, visited a sample of lessons, spoke to teachers and spoke to pupils about their learning. As ever our safeguarding measures were scrutinised and parent/pupil surveys were taken into account. 

Key findings from our report include:

  • "From Nursery upwards, pupils know the importance of excellent behaviour. They always meet these high expectations , helped by the shared language used by all staff."
  • "Pupils enjoy learning. They like how similar approaches are used by all teachers as this makes learning easier."
  • "Pupils appreciate the many trips and experiences they have. These are carefully planned to support their learning across the curriculum. For example, pupils have"
  • "Trust leaders have ensured that there is a meticulously sequenced and highly ambitious curriculum for every subject."
  • "Pupils produce first rate work and make excellent progress."

Please click here for our full Ofsted report.

Please click here to gain access to Ofsted's website.